Prevention Services

What is it?

Atención de Incidentes

Ethical Hacking - Holistic security analysis

It allows the organization to carry out an assessment of its vulnerabilities under a real attack scenario, including tests of infrastructure, applications, WEB sites, social engineering and physical access; as well as techniques such as: exploration of digital profiles, “Insider” and hackbox, among others.

Benefits of Our Holistic Security Analysis
  • Knowing the vulnerabilities is the basis for creating a security roadmap with a focus on risk, linking these vulnerabilities with cyber threats in a real attack context.
  • Comply with information security and cybersecurity regulations and standards.
Análisis Forense

Application Certification

Execution of tests in order to identify vulnerabilities or bad practices in the development of the organization, whether web or mobile. This service seeks to validate the minimum security requirements necessary so that applications do not present failures that threaten their operation in the productive stage or that affect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of sensitive information.

Benefits of Application Certification
  • Reduce the risks of exposing information to the organization, helping the channels that are delivered to users to be safe and reliable.
  • Timely identify threats to make the necessary corrections on time without affecting production systems, which can translate into savings in time and financial resources.

Frequent questions


Are the services aimed at companies?

The services are aimed at SMEs, Medium and Large companies of sectors private and / or public.


Open source tools that we use?

According to the services offered we can use tools such as Washu, PacketFence, Snort, Stack ELK, OSSIM, OpenVAS, Nessus, Owasp Zap, Sonarqube, Arachnic and developments in Python.


Is remediation of findings performed, after the results of a Holistic safety analysis?

According to the results of the analysis processes and the findings found, the can evaluate remediation procedures in which costs and cost will be calculated time of action in the processes that can be carried out.


What is the value of these services?

The cost of executing these services depends on the particular characteristics of each company, in our proposals the execution time will be determined.


Are analyzes performed on a private cloud platform?

The scope of analysis includes insite servers, public cloud (Amazon, Google, Azure among others) and private cloud.

Contact us

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